Monday, November 16, 2009
Google Docs. What a helpful tool!
Recently I undertook a Diploma in Library and Cultural Services through LGAQ and that was when I discovered how useful Google Docs can be. I was able to produce my assessement pieces through Google Docs and share them with other students and my fellow collegues to gather feedback. My only grip with Google Docs is that it can only handle word documents not documents produced from Publisher. Otherwise a truly magnificent online tool.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Bookmarking love it or leave it?
This is an overwhelming subject with a vast array of social bookmarking sites available, for example This site is a great idea allowing all your favourite blogs to be listed in one convenient place. I absolutely love Library Thing which allows you to have an online listing of all the books you have read and love. You can share this list if you wish with a select group or the whole wide world. All these sites are fantastic but where do you find the time to hop on and have a look. Between Face book, twitter,, blogging, email and texting we are constantly bombarded with another time wasting endeavour. I will be the first to admit that I love Face book and social bookmarking however I think we all have the choice on what resource we find the most valuable and do we have time to dedicate to it. A struggle I think which is not new to Library staff and one quite frankly I think should never end. When we stop trying new technologies I think we stop trying to deliver quality service to our clientele.
Monday, June 1, 2009
Google Reader
Being well informed is a vital part of being in an information industry i.e. A Public Library. I use Google Reader to keep a track of the various rss feeds and blogs that I subscribe too. A very useful tool. Libraries could use rss feeds to collate website resources in one location for patrons to access from the Libraries website. I would love to hear other suggestions for usage of rss feeds etc for libraries.
Social Networking - How did we manage without it?
Facebook seems to be all the rage the whole world over. Social networking sites can be used as a form of marketing for a wide variety of groups. Libraries for example can use them to let the public about the services the offer or an upcoming event. Recently I made a promotional video for the Library (with much help from other library staff). This video will be placed on You Tube to help boost our profile amongst the public. Libraries have to be creative in regards to marketing and these such social networking sites are a great way to reach a large audience with out a lot of cost involved.
Wiki wacky
What a weird word Wiki is. And yet they are so useful and easy to access. The Hinchinbrook Libary has an internal Wiki which staff can use to access policies, procedures and any other such useful information in one easy location. I would love here what other libraries are using Wikis for and do you find them good or maybe not so good.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Share and share alike
Hinchinbrook Library has joined the revolution of Flickr. So far 300 images have been put up on the website and this is due to the dedication of Library staff member Helen. This is a great avenue to post images and share them with the wide world web. Libraries are definitely finding new and amazing ways to reach a wider audience thanks to modern technology.
Monday, May 4, 2009
Random likes and dislikes
Like: Roses, dogs, clear blue winter days, ocean, honesty, friendship, ebay, knitting, reading.
Dislike: Random technology, snakes, frogs, dishonesty, shonky retailers, people who don't indicate
LOVE: My hubbie, my puppy, my job
Dislike: Random technology, snakes, frogs, dishonesty, shonky retailers, people who don't indicate
LOVE: My hubbie, my puppy, my job
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Great news
This week the Hinchinbrook Library received some fantastic news. The funding application for the new library, gallery / Tech centre was successful. Hooray! I can't tell you how excited I am. All the Library staff are thrilled. We will have a new much larger, more modern Library. It is absolutely mind boggling to think of all the new services and a much larger collection we will be able to provide to our patrons. Hip Hip hooray and they're jolly good fellows to the Rudd Government. Mwha!
Monday, April 27, 2009
Popular book series
I get really annoyed when book series that have been out for awhile get turned into TV series or movie. For example the Sookie Stakehouse books are not a new series but because of the True Blood series on HBO I have to wait till they release each book one by one. How annoying!
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Well I guess it has been a long time between blogs. I have recently been working on a promotional library video clip for a course I am doing and have discovered how hard it is to work with Windows Movie Maker. I will say one thing I have learned alot about the program in a short frantic time period. To all the techonolgy challenged people out there I say hang in there because if I can learn to make a video there is hope for you all too. Don't lose faith.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
I love my job

How lucky am I! I get to work in one of the most fascinating industries. Where else can you combine working with the community amongst an atmosphere of information, comraderie and life long learning. The days are never the same and neither are the people who come to the circulation desk. Libraries are a much loved public service who perhaps should get more recognition. I certainly can't imagine my town without our public library.
Monday, March 30, 2009
The difference between a Librarian and Library Technician
Have you ever tried to explain to someone what you do and they can't comprehend it. I try to explain that I am studying to be a Library Technician to which they reply, what will that make you a Librarian. Insert HUGE sigh here. My goolly goodness it is hardto get it understood the difference between a Librarian and a Library Technician. Basically Library Techs do most of what Librarians do without the managerial duties. Spread the message people. We Library Techs want to be recognised and valued as our own entity.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
My first time

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